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Radio/Streaming Audio

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Radio and streaming audio advertising remain among the most effective channels for building brand awareness.

Radio advertising dates back nearly a century, but still delivers among the best returns on investment for many companies. Of course, the landscape for audio advertising has changed a little over the years. The introduction of streaming audio platforms, like Spotify and Pandora, along with the podcasting boom, now presents new opportunities for brands to spread their messaging.

Local radio remains an excellent opportunity for brands to build credibility and awareness among in-market audiences. Popular radio personalities often cultivate loyal listenership, and by tapping into these markets, advertisers can forge connections with specific audiences. Although traditional radio isn’t as popular in some communities as it once was, streaming audio platforms’ listenership has increased significantly in recent years. In 2020, U.S. adults are expected to spend more time listening to digital audio than radio, though radio still stands as one of the most-consumed forms of media. From writing and production to placements and reporting, Hirons is ready to help our clients capitalize on radio and streaming audio advertising.