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Intern Spotlight: Summer 2022

Lea nuestras preguntas y respuestas con la última ronda de pasantes de Hirons para conocer sus experiencias anteriores y por qué eligieron Hirons.


¿Cómo empezó a interesarse por la industria?

I became interested in the advertising industry during my sophomore year of college. I found that a career in advertising would fulfill my desire to be both analytical and creative!


What would you consider the most important tools of trade?

I would say an organized calendar is one of the most important tools. Staying organized allows for effective communication and deadlines to be met!


¿Qué características personales necesitas para tener éxito en la industria?

From my brief time with Hirons, I have noticed that it is important to easily adapt to change and to truly listen to what others are saying.


Fuera de la oficina, ¿cuáles son algunos de tus pasatiempos o pasiones?

Outside of the office, I like to enjoy the outdoors! I would say my biggest hobby at the moment is taking a walk and finding a nice place to read a book.


¿Cuál ha sido tu proyecto favorito en el que has trabajado en Hirons?

My favorite project that I have worked on at Hirons so far was for the Madam Walker Legacy Center’s Juneteenth Celebration. I got to attend my first press conference where I saw all types of media outlets interview Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds! After I was able to attend their Gala where I saw so much challenging work translate to an unforgettable event.


¿Cuál fue su primer trabajo?

My first job was working in the bakery at Panera Bread. I worked there for almost three years, and I still love all their food!


¿Cuál es una cita que te define?

During my high school commencement speech, I was able to pick the quote: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”


Descríbete en tres palabras.

Ambitious, Adventurous and Thoughtful.


¿Cuáles son tus vacaciones más memorables?

My most memorable vacation was my family trip to Hawaii. My dad made it his mission to take our family to all fifty states and Hawaii was the last one, so we really made the most of it.


¿Cuál es tu parte favorita de trabajar en Hirons?

My favorite part of working at Hirons would have to be the ability to see how various positions work together to make something amazing for the client. There are so many talented people that work at Hirons, and I am so grateful to be able to learn from them.



¿Cómo empezó a interesarse por la industria?

I became interested in the tech industry after taking an Informatics 101 class at IU Bloomington. For one of our assignments, we learned how to code a simple website and I’ve been intrigued ever since! The assignment influenced my decision when choosing my specialization, Multi-Device Development. My time as a social media coordinator also sparked interest in advertising and public relations.


Fuera de la oficina, ¿cuáles son algunos de tus pasatiempos o pasiones?

Outside of the office, I love spending time supporting small businesses. I often do this by attending local handmade and secondhand thrift events. I also love to attend farmers’ markets in my local area. Downtown Indy always has an event of these natures going on!


¿Cuál ha sido tu proyecto favorito en el que has trabajado en Hirons?

My favorite type of project to work on at Hirons is web development and web maintenance. It’s very satisfying to see the finished product and receive positive client feedback.


What’s one important tip you would share with anyone looking to go into the agency world?

For web development specifically, a tip I’d share is to prepare to constantly learn. The tech world is constantly changing and advancing, therefore it’s important to stay up to date by prioritizing professional development and personal learning.


¿Cuál es tu momento favorito del día?

My favorite time of day is easily mornings. During this time of day, I feel my most productive and energized!


¿Cuál es la parte más significativa de tu trabajo?

The most meaningful part of my job is seeing the final product after putting in a lot of hard work and dedication. It’s very intriguing to see how long of a process it can be to develop a website.


¿Cuál fue su primer trabajo?

My first job was at Plato’s Closet as a cashier and social media coordinator. I really enjoyed being a social media coordinator and continued with the position at my next job.


¿De qué logro estás orgulloso, personal o profesionalmente?

A personal accomplishment I’m extremely proud of is my academic success. During my time at IU and IUPUI, I’ve received dean’s list recognition 4 separate times and have maintained As and Bs.


¿Cuáles son tus vacaciones más memorables?

One of my most memorable vacations was a trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee a few years ago with friends. My favorite experience from the trip was ziplining through the mountains. The scenery was breathtaking and unforgettable.


¿Cuál es tu parte favorita de trabajar en Hirons?

My favorite part about working at Hirons is the people! It’s clear that everyone enjoys their jobs and have a passion for it. When everyone on my team has such a positive attitude, it’s easy to do my best.



¿Cómo empezó a interesarse por la industria?

My dad is a small business owner in my hometown of Logansport, Indiana. I started working there at 14 and quickly learned how exceptional service and branding can lead to greater success. I started social media accounts for my dad’s business that grew quickly. I suggested selling branded merchandize which led to more sales. Eventually, we branched out further and began franchising the operation to three other states. My dad always encouraged my fresh ideas and creativity.


Fuera de la oficina, ¿cuáles son algunos de tus pasatiempos o pasiones?

I love to be outdoors. Hiking, kayaking, skiing, and swimming are a few of my favorite pass times.


¿Cuándo y dónde tienes tus mejores ideas?

I drive a lot and I feel like my best ideas come to me in the driver’s seat. The peaceful ambiance mixed with a good dose of alone time helps me to get in the right mindset to brainstorm.


¿Cuál es tu momento favorito del día?

My favorite time of day during the summer is dusk. It’s the perfect time to pitch a tent and start a bonfire!


What is the most important part of your job?

The most meaningful part of this internship is the ability I have to create content and marketing materials for organizations with a great cause. It feels good to help those that have a wholesome mission reach their goals and a larger audience.


¿De qué logro estás orgulloso, personal o profesionalmente?

I am the proud recipient of the Druck Scholarship. I was chosen for this prestigious journalism award after graduating high school and it has motivated me to excel further in my coursework. This scholarship also enables me to attend the IU Media School where I have learned a lot about myself and the industry.


¿Cuál es tu restaurante favorito de la ciudad?

My favorite restaurant in town is the Whole Foods salad bar.


¿Cuáles son tus vacaciones más memorables?

My most memorable vacation was in Hawaii this past month. My family and I went to Maui and it was so beautiful and full of culture.


¿Tienes una película o un libro favorito?

My favorite movie is Fantastic Mr. Fox directed by Wes Anderson.


¿Cuál es tu parte favorita de trabajar en Hirons?

My favorite part of working at Hirons (aside from all of the kind, hardworking staff) is being exposed to a professional work environment where I can continue to improve my skills and learn more about the industry. I have also had many exciting experiences already such as visiting a TV studio and attending client photoshoots.




¿Cómo empezó a interesarse por la industria?

My high school digital design teacher opened my eyes to the world of design. I was always really bad and slow with computers, and I was dreading having to take his class. However, I ended up loving graphic design so much that I applied to design schools instead of going the route of traditional illustration! After that, landing the job at the Ball State Digital Corps as a designer lead to my want to intern and eventually work at a full-service agency!


¿Cómo entraste en la industria y conseguiste tu primer trabajo?

My first job in the industry was a designer at an on-campus agency at Ball State University. I had a pretty solid portfolio but was super nervous for my interview. One of the first questions asked was ‘If you could have any superpower what would you choose?” I asked if they had ever heard of Avatar the Last Airbender and we basically spent the next 30 minutes geeking out about the tv show and comics and by the end of the interview we hadn’t spoken about anything that had to do with the position. I was convinced I hadn’t gotten the job because I wouldn’t stop talking about a cartoon, but I was hired as they said I was a very passionate person (with good taste).


What would you consider the most important tools of the trade?

Be open to critique! A lot of people are going to have their opinions, so being open to learning and trying out new things is the best way to grow. Take critiques as a way to better yourself and your work and don’t take it too personally! You are more than your work.


Fuera de la oficina, ¿cuáles son algunos de tus pasatiempos o pasiones?

I love drawing, painting and baking. My lazier hobbies include watching reality dating shows, baking competitions and sci-fi/fantasy movies and shows.


¿Cuándo y dónde tienes tus mejores ideas?

Almost always as I am falling asleep. I either try and commit it to memory or I will wake myself up to write it down. I also find myself having really good ideas when I am zoning out during a class, but don’t tell my professors.


¿Cuál es tu momento favorito del día?

I love mid-morning, usually around 10-11 a.m. when the coffee has kicked in and I feel fully awake and energized. It still feels like morning and the whole day is ahead of you! However, with classes and work, I usually am forced to get most of my projects done late into the night, which isn’t ideal.


Did you have any unusual jobs before working at Hirons?

In high school, I worked in a warehouse filling and shipping online orders. It was a summer job and I worked from 4pm-1am. Sometimes it would reach over 100 degrees inside, and we would be forced to close and go home. I also worked at a factory another summer soldering motherboards for elevators, and it was so cold inside I had to bring a blanket.


¿Cuál fue su primer trabajo?

I got my first job when I was 15 at a brand-new Moe’s Southwest Grill. I actually really enjoyed it and worked there for three years! We went through a lot of kids that I went to high school with, and I was the last of the very first workers when I left.


¿De qué logro estás orgulloso, personal o profesionalmente?

I am very proud of myself for applying to (and receiving) a promotion at the Ball State Digital Corps! There are so many talented people that work at the Corps and they only promote two or three people a semester. You also have to give a 10-minute presentation to the entire staff to be considered. I’m terrible at public speaking but I made a presentation of my work and practiced in the mirror a hundred times—I totally blacked out during the actual presentation but I guess I did well!


¿Tienes una película o un libro favorito?

I have a long list of favorite books and movies, but I’ve always been a huge Harry Potter fan. My mom read me the books every night until I was old enough to read them myself! Harry Potter World at Universal is the number one spot on my bucket list at the moment!

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