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How emojis have influenced advertising

Tuesday, July 17, was World Emoji Day, a global holiday celebrating the universal language claimed by our generation.

The internet gave rise to this pictorial language with more than 2,600 characters depicting emotions  not easily captured in words. Previously, users turned to keyboard commands composed of colons, parentheses, hyphens and apostrophes in an attempt to communicate a few of the expressions we can illustrate lavishly today.

Since their launch in 2011, emojis have been at the epicenter of digital communication. From updates made to customize skin tone and gender to the countless adaptations provided by apps such as Bitmoji a KIMOJI, we have more ways than ever to express ourselves without words.

Beyond simply adding an emoji at the end of a text or Snapchatting your favorite Bitmoji, emojis have been making waves in the advertising industry. As communication is essential to advertising, it’s no surprise the ad world is incorporating these icons. They have become tools for brands to instantly communicate their messages to the technological generation we have become.

Here are just a few examples and takeaways:

Facebook emoji reactions: In 2017, Facebook converted its simple “like” button to give users the capacity to provide reactions ranging from haha and wow to sad and angry. This highly effective tool enhances user engagement while driving brand awareness. These buttons now allow consumers to interact with brands on an emotional level.

Pepsimoji campaign: Pepsi claimed emojis as its primary communication tool for the Pepsimoji campaign, which began with product packaging and now includes a downloadable emoji keyboard with a built-in photo booth. Pepsi allows users to utilize the keyboard to create custom icons that boldly distinguish the brand from its competitors and are easily recognizable. In particular, the keyboard adaptation allows for a functional and innovative brand installation, provided the emojis are used wisely.

Domino’s pizza delivery: Domino’s Anyware initiative allows customers to bypass the traditional methods of ordering a pizza by providing them with one simple emoji: the pizza slice. After setting up a Pizza Profile, customers can text the emoji to an “easy order” number. By putting customer convenience first, Domino’s has turned brand knowledge into brand loyalty.

Emojis are not likely to go away anytime soon. When used strategically, they can be a unique communication tool. Consider utilizing emojis with your brand to connect with the latest technology, tap into brand emotions and drive user engagement. While you’re here, check out the custom Tomoji we use at Hirons!

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